Getting your period during the holidays can leave you feeling a little bah humbug, but thanks to Oi (Organic Initiative), you’ll be back in the holiday spirit. Oi’s tampons and pads (which you can find at Walmart, CVS, Amazon, and major grocery stores!) are not only made with 100 percent certified, pure organic cotton, the whole product is certified organic—from the core to the cover. Plus, they’re free from all the things you don’t want in your feminine products, like chemicals, bleaching, and dyes. All of their packagings are recyclable (and the ink is made from vegetable dye), so you’ll do some good for your body and the environment this holiday season. Oi’s pads and tampons are also naturally absorbent and non-irritant to provide comfort and protection that you can trust during all of your holiday festivities. Each woman can save 11,000 tampons and pads in their lifetime, taking this plastic out of the planet by switching to certified organic tampons, pads and liners – say no more.

No Greenwashing.